The Genesee Valley Girl Lover

The GVGL is NOT A PEDOPHILE. See the page “Not a Pedophile” to learn why.

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    The GVGL is a human being. He is an adult male, he lives somewhere in the Genesee valley region of New York, and his main aesthetic, romantic, and sexual attraction is to girls from when they learn to walk to the mid-point of Tanner Stage III puberty. That's it.
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Christopher J. Wilmot is Very Confused

Posted by gvgl on February 15, 2009

Christopher J. Wilmot, a prominent and very confused Rochester citizen posted an inaccurate and insulting piece about the GVGL in his Smugtown Beacon on January 27, 2009.

To begin Wilmot called his post “Child Pornography Website Allowed to Operate in Greater Rochester”. This is a flat out lie and an tasteless attempt to smear the GVGL by associating him and his site with child pornography. For there to be child pornography, there must be an image, and there are no images on the GVGL’s site. Look for yourself.

Next Wilmot calls the GVGL an “organization called ‘Genesee Valley Girl Lover'”. Further on he uses “they” to describe the GVGL. The GVGL thought his profile displayed on the right hand side of his site stating “The GVGL is a human being. He is an adult male, he lives somewhere in the Genesee valley region of New York…” made it obvious that the GVGL is a person, one adult male, not an organization. The GVGL was wrong. So for the record, the GVGL is just one person, not a group, not a gang, not a ring, not an organization. There are many other people like the GVGL in the Genesee Valley but they, like the GVGL once was, are too scared to fight for their rights and their dignity.

All blockquoted text that follows is taken directly from Christopher J. Wilmot’s inaccurate and insulting piece about the GVGL.

Recently, noticing that GVGL’s reference to me and my article are still prominent when Googling my name, I contacted the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office to alert them of possible illegality perpetrated by GVGL. Their website explicitly advocates “romantic and sexual interest” in girls from the “time they can first walk”, until something called “Tanner Stage III Puberty”.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office shot down Wilmot’s hopes, because a February 4th article in the Rochester City Newspaper reports that “The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has no plans to investigate the site, says spokesman John Helfer. ‘Some people would find it disturbing,’ he says. ‘But talking to people who share common feelings is not a crime.’ ”

So Chris, if the GVGL’s site “advocated” romantic and sexual interest in such young girls, then why didn’t you quote those specific parts of the GVGL’s site? The GVGL will tell you why, it’s because they don’t exist, and you are lying. The GVGL will say this: If you don’t already have a romantic and sexual interest in prepubescent girls, then please don’t try to develop that interest. It’s not in your best interest. The GVGL didn’t need to develop that interest. It was there from the beginning of puberty. As for “something called ‘Tanner Stage III Puberty'”, read this Chris.

According to law enforcement officials to whom I have spoken, technically, GVGL has not yet broken the law. However, it is difficult for me to imagine that GVGL isn’t, at least in an indirect fashion, soliciting pedophiles and perhaps even minor girls. I suggest readers visit the website, and make their own judgments.

The GVGL is sorry that Christopher J. Wilmot’s imagination is so limited. The GVGL also suggests that readers visit his website, and make their own judgments. Take note that the first text under the site’s title is “The GVGL is NOT A PEDOPHILE.” The GVGL is not interested in meeting, talking to, or soliciting pedophiles.

My question to law enforcement and readers alike, is this: Even if GVGL hasn’t technically broken the law yet, why wait. AGAIN, GVGL’S STATED PURPOSE IS TO ENCOURAGE SEXUAL AND ROMANTIC CONTACT BETWEEN MEN AND MINOR FEMALES!!

Again, a lie about the GVGL’s stated purpose. On the other hand, the GVGL presumes Christopher J. Wilmot hasn’t yet beaten his wife, or date raped his significant other, but men are known to do those things, so why wait? Investigate him now.

If you are as outraged as I, please contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Also, if any readers are able to break web address encryption to determine from where and whom this disturbing website is originating, please inform the FBI, or the Sheriff’s office

If you are as outraged as Christopher J. Wilmot is, then mind your own business. The GVGL’s site is not directed at you. “Break web address encryption”? That’s something Ted Stevens would say.

Certainly, my good name and reputation is very important to me. But more importantly, what about the existence of a website that encourages child pornography and pedophilia? It is hard to believe in our gender-crime enlightened era, more isn’t being done to shut down, once and for all, Genesee Valley Girl Lovers. Please call 9-1-1 today if you have any information that might help expose the perpetrators of this vile and immoral website. Thank you.

Wilmot’s good name and reputation? Read more about that in the comments here. “Encourages child pornography and pedophilia…” More lies. More seriously, Christopher J. Wilmot, if you found out today who the GVGL really was, what would you hope to accomplish with that information? And how do you know that you don’t already know the GVGL?

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